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Notifications for activity Organiser

Cities of Learning platform is a powerful learning management system. It enables Organisers to facilitate and support learners in their activities and progress.
The Organiser’s Account allows you to create and manage Activities, Playlists and Badges.

Organisers can enable Notifications on the Activity level. Contact us at to activate the Activity Notifications feature for your Organiser’s Account.
To start with Notifications, in the Activity settings you can enable the platform to check the following conditions:
  • have a user received at least one badge after a set time passed from joining an Activity;
  • did a user start at least one badge quest after a set time passed from joining an Activity;
  • have a user received at least one badge or did starte at least one badge quest after a set time passed from joining an Activity.
Suppose at least one of these conditions is not met. In that case, Activity Owners get notifications to their email, on a platform and Badge Wallet App (click on the "Bell" icon to see Notifications).

Var denne artikkelen nyttig?

Badgecraft driver denne plattformen og utvikler den sammen med ledende utdanningsorganisasjoner. EUs Erasmus Plus-program har delfinansiert utviklingen av den første versjonen av denne plattformen. Kontakt
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Delfinansiert av EUs Erasmus Plus-program